✍ Guides
Setting up Slash Commands
- Slash commands are disabled by default
- In the config.js set SLASH = true and CONTEXT = true and replace TEST_GUILD_ID with the guild ID where you want to initially test the commands. This will ensure that all the commands are registered immediately
- Once you are happy with the commands, set GLOBAL = true to register these interactions globally
{% hint style="warning" %} Global slash commands can take upto 1 hour to be shown across all guilds
Setting up Dashboard
- In the config.js, make sure you set dashboard enabled to true
- Add your baseURL,
in your application OAuth2 redirects page in the discord developer portal
enabled: true, // enable or disable dashboard
baseURL: "http://localhost:8080", // base url
failureURL: "http://localhost:8080", // failure redirect url
port: "8080", // port to run the bot on